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Oral Cancer Prevention

Woodland Family Dental understands the importance of detecting oral cancer early. When found early, oral cancer patients have an 80 to 90 % survival rate. Unfortunately 40% of those diagnosed with oral cancer will die within five years because the majority of these cases will be discovered as a late stage malignancy.

Oral cancer is particularly dangerous, because the patient may not notice it in its early stages. It can frequently prosper without producing pain or symptoms. As a result, Oral Cancer often goes undetected until it has already metastasized to another location.

More people are being diagnosed with oral cancer than ever before. But surprisingly, research shows this increase is not due to the traditional risk factors of drinking, smoking and using chewing tobacco. Rather oral cancer is now being found in a younger population of men and women because due to their exposure to the HPV (Human Papillomavirus). That is why the Centers for Disease Control recommends that all patients ovet the age of 17 be screened annually for oral cancer.

An annual exam, in combination with a regular visual examination, provides a comprehensive oral screening procedure for patients at increased risk for oral cancer. The exam is painless and fast, and could help save your life.

We use technology that has proven successful in identifying soft tissue abnormalities in other areas of the body. Call Woodland Family Dental for more information on this new life saving technology.